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  • Dixie Trailer Supply and Service | trailer repair near me | Dixie Trailer Supply and Service, North Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors, FL, USA

    BIENVENIDO AL SUMINISTRO DE REMOLQUE DIXIE Taller de reparación de remolques líder en el sur de Florida En Dixie Trailer atendemos las necesidades de nuestros clientes brindándoles productos y servicios de buena calidad, estamos especializados en el servicio de instalación de enganches de remolque y proporcionamos todo tipo de repuestos para; Remolques para barcos, Remolques de motos de agua, Remolques utilitarios, Remolques cerrados, Remolques de carga, Remolques de equipos, Remolques de coches, Remolques de cuello de cisne, Remolques de comida, Remolques basculantes, RV's, Remolques para caballos, ​ Tenemos una diversa selección de productos para nuestros clientes y estamos aquí para ayudarlo a encontrar lo que busca. Nuestra experiencia en la prestación de servicios de remolques la realiza nuestro equipo de profesionales que tienen más de 50 años de experiencia en el campo. ¡Nos complace servirle aquí en Dixie Trailer y su satisfacción nos importa! Home: Welcome NUESTROS SERVICIOS Reparaciones líderes en la industria Home: Services REPARACION DE EJES REEMPLAZO DEL TAMBOR, COJINETE Y CUBO FRENOS DE DISCO, ELÉCTRICOS E HIDRÁULICOS HORARIO DE LA TIENDA Lunes a viernes: 8:00 a. M. A 5:00 p. M. Sábados y domingos: CERRADO Home: Hours CONTÁCTENOS Desde neumáticos hasta frenos, desde ejes hasta iluminación, lo tenemos cubierto. Ponte en contacto hoy. 2624 N Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33334, EE. UU. (954) 565-9210 Nombre Correo electrónico Teléfono Dirección Tema Mensaje Enviar ¡Gracias por enviarnos! Home: Contact Home: Instagram Widget Home: HTML Embed

  • Trailer Shop Near Me | Wilton Manors FL | Dixie Trailer Supply

    TRAILER SHOP NEAR ME Understanding the Benefits of Visiting a Trailer Shop If you are looking to purchase a trailer, or even need some repairs done on your existing one, then you might want to consider visiting a trailer shop near me. These specialist shops offer expertise and insight that you won't find elsewhere. In this blog post, we will go over some of the things that a trailer shop can provide for you, so you can decide if this is the right option for your needs. ​ 1. A Wide Range of Trailers: Perhaps one of the biggest draws for trailer shops is the variety of trailers they offer. Whether you need a vehicle trailer, a horse trailer, or even a concession trailer, these shops will have everything you need. It's always a good idea to speak to a professional at the shop to get advice on what kind of trailer would best suit your particular needs. ​ 2. Expert Advice: Shopping for a trailer can be overwhelming, especially if you are not sure about the exact specifications you need. At a trailer shop, you can leverage the expertise of the professionals there to help you find the right trailer. These experts can answer your questions and provide valuable advice about anything trailer-related. ​ 3. Customizable Trailers: If you have specific needs and want a trailer that is tailored to suit them, a trailer shop might just be the best option for you. The advantage of getting a customized trailer is that it can meet all your requirements and be a perfect fit for you. Trailer shops will give you options and work with you to create the perfect customized trailer. ​ 4. Repair and Maintenance Services: Another important service trailer shops offer is repair and maintenance. Just like any other vehicle or equipment, your trailer will need some upkeep and repairs over time. These shops have skilled mechanics who can assist you with issues such as brake troubles or electrical issues. They can also provide routine checkups, ensuring that your trailer is always in good condition when you need it. 5. Easy Access to Parts and Accessories: Trailer shops will also have a wide range of replacement parts and accessories to keep your trailer functional and personalized. They often stock a range of tires, brakes, and cables, among other things. There are also various accessories that can be added to your trailer, from lighting to storage, so you can customize it to your liking. ​ At Dixie Trailer Supply, we offer everything you need for trailer maintenance, repair, and customization. We can provide you with advice and guidance on the right trailer for your needs, as well as customize it to meet your specifications. We also carry a range of parts and accessories to keep your trailer running smoothly. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you get the most out of your trailer! < BACK CONTACT US TODAY

  • Trailer Mechanic | Wilton Manors FL | Dixie Trailer Supply

    TRAILER MECHANIC The Importance of a Trailer Mechanic Have you ever witnessed a truck-trailer accident on the highway? The sight is always excruciating, and more often than not, the cause of the accident is due to inadequate maintenance of the trailer. The brakes may have failed, the axle could be defective or the tires worn out. These issues can be life-threatening to drivers and other road users. A trailer mechanic plays a vital role in preventing these accidents by ensuring that the trailers are in good condition before hitting the road. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a trailer mechanic and the role they play in the trucking industry. ​ Preventive Maintenance ​ A trailer mechanic's primary role is to conduct preventive maintenance on trailers. They check and maintain the critical components of trailers such as brakes, axles, suspensions, lights, electrical and electronic systems, and tires. Proper preventive maintenance ensures that trailers are regularly inspected, serviced, and kept in optimal running condition, preventing potential breakdowns and accidents on the road. Compliance with Regulations ​ A trailer mechanic has a thorough understanding of federal and state regulations regarding the trailer and trucking industry. They ensure that trailers are compliant with these regulations. Compliance with regulations safeguards the driver, the trailer, and the cargo it carries from legal and financial penalties, reducing the risk of accidents that non-compliant trailers can cause. ​ Reducing Vehicle Downtime ​ Every minute a trailer is off the road represents a loss of revenue for a company. A trailer mechanic keeps trailer downtime to a minimum by identifying and resolving technical issues before they cause an extended period of downtime. Properly maintained trailers also have fewer breakdowns, ensuring that productivity remains high, and customers remain satisfied. ​ Safety First ​ A well-maintained trailer reduces incidents, accidents, and breakdowns on the road, ensuring the safety of drivers and the cargo they transport. A trailer mechanic ensures that trailers meet safety standards set by the government, thus reducing the risk of accidents caused by malfunctioning parts. This ensures that drivers see the importance of having well-maintained trailers, which in turn reduces the risk of accidents and even fatalities. At Dixie Trailer Supply, we understand the importance of a trailer mechanic in keeping trailers and drivers safe. We provide quality parts and services to keep your trucks running smoothly on the road. Contact us today for all your trailer needs! < BACK CONTACT US TODAY

  • Trailer Repair Near Me | Wilton Manors FL | Dixie Trailer Supply

    TRAILER REPAIR NEAR ME Why Trailer Repair Is Important: Ensuring Safety While on the Road Transporting heavy and bulky items from one place to another can be quite challenging. This is where trailers come in handy, as they help to move large or heavy goods efficiently. However, just like any other vehicle, trailers require regular maintenance to function efficiently. One crucial aspect of trailer maintenance is repair. In this blog post, we discuss why trailer repair is important and why it should not be taken lightly. 1. Safety and Security ​ The primary reason why trailer repair is critical is that it helps to ensure safety while on the road. Trailers are designed to carry heavy loads and transport them over long distances. However, when trailers are not in good condition, they can pose a significant danger to both the driver and other road users. For instance, a trailer with faulty brakes can easily cause an accident or lead to loss of control of the vehicle. Therefore, regular maintenance and repair are necessary to ensure that your trailer is always in excellent working condition and safe to use. 2. Reduce Costs ​ Another reason why trailer repair is crucial is that it helps to save on repair costs in the long run. Small damages or issues on the trailer can easily escalate into more significant problems if left unattended. Ignoring these problems will cost you more in the long run as they can cause extensive damage to the trailer or lead to a complete breakdown. Regular servicing and repair of the trailer will help to detect and fix these small damages before they become more costly repairs. ​ 3. Longevity ​ Regular trailer repair is essential to extend the lifespan of the trailer. Like any other vehicle, the lifespan of the trailer depends on how well it is maintained. Regular maintenance and repair will help to keep your trailer in excellent condition, resulting in a more extended lifespan. ​ 4. Better Performance ​ Last but not least, trailer repair is important because it helps to boost the trailer's performance. When a trailer is in excellent condition, it will perform better and more efficiently. For instance, a trailer with well-maintained brakes will stop more efficiently, leading to a better driving experience. ​ 5. It's the Law ​ Finally, trailer repair is crucial because it is often required by law. In many states, trailers must undergo regular inspections to ensure their fitness for the road. This means that any repairs identified as necessary during these inspections must be fixed promptly. Failure to comply with these laws can result in legal penalties or fines. At Dixie Trailer Supply, we understand the importance of trailer repair near me and offer a wide range of services to ensure your trailer is always in excellent condition. Our team of experienced mechanics can diagnose any problems with your trailer and provide efficient repairs. We also carry a large selection of parts and accessories to help you get back on the road as quickly as possible. Contact us today for more information. < BACK CONTACT US TODAY

  • Services | Dixie Trailer Supply

    SERVICIOS En Dixie Trailer Supply, nuestro objetivo es prevenir problemas antes de que sucedan. Usamos repuestos de la más alta calidad para servicio y reparaciones. Sea lo que sea que necesites, tenemos las experiencias para hacerlo bien. FRENOS Ya sean hidráulicos, de disco o eléctricos, los frenos deben inspeccionarse con regularidad y revisarse al menos una o dos veces al año, según la tasa de uso del remolque. Compruebe si hay corrosión, óxido, piezas atascadas y la funcionalidad general. Además, asegúrese de que el líquido de frenos esté siempre al nivel correcto y reemplácelo al menos una o dos veces al año. ​ Frecuencia de servicio promedio típica: inspeccione cada viaje, servicio una vez al año Ponerse en contacto CAMBIO DE NEUMÁTICOS Verifique la presión de aire en sus neumáticos antes de cada viaje y llénelos cuando sea necesario. Si usa el remolque con frecuencia, use un cuarto o un medidor de banda de rodadura para revisar la banda de rodadura también. Si sus viajes son más dispersos y coloca menos millas en su remolque, puede inspeccionar la banda de rodadura con menos frecuencia. Asegúrese también de que los vástagos de las válvulas estén en buenas condiciones. Ponerse en contacto COJINETES DE LAS RUEDAS ​ Dixie Trailer Supply tiene el cojinete de rueda Experiencia de reparación para ayudar a que su vehículo funcione sin problemas. Los rodamientos se oxidan rápidamente, causando fricción y calor al remolcar. Cuando se sumergen en la rampa, los rotores calientes se enfrían rápidamente, atrayendo agua y acelerando la desaparición de los cojinetes. Ponerse en contacto LUCES Las luces del remolque requieren tanta atención, si no más, que las partes mecánicas de un remolque. Siempre revise sus luces antes de cada viaje, y cuando una muera, reemplace el par. Ponerse en contacto Ponerse en contacto Services: Services

  • Trailer Parts | Dixie Trailer Supply

    PIEZAS DE REMOLQUE En Dixie Trailer Supply, le ofrecemos piezas de remolque asequibles y de la mejor calidad. Obtenemos piezas de remolque de bajo costo de los fabricantes de piezas de remolque más grandes de Florida. Dixie Trailer Supply es su dirección de piezas de remolque asequibles y de calidad. ACTUADORES EJES SOPORTES DE BOLAS ASPECTOS ASPECTOS PARADA DE ARCO MUÑECAS MUÑECAS FRENOS ACOPLADORES JACKS DEFENSAS GUIAS HUBS JACKS LUCES LUBRICANTES RODILLOS Husillos Husillos ABRAZADERAS LLANTAS TORNILLOS TORNILLOS Trailer Parts: Products

  • About Us | Dixie Trailer Supply

    SOBRE NOSOTROS Dixie Trailer Supply ha estado ofreciendo el mejor servicio de remolques desde 1966 en el sur de Florida. Somos un mecánico de remolques profesional e independiente, que ofrece piezas de remolque esenciales para todos los modelos de remolques. Servir al área de Wilton Manors como una tienda aprobada por seguros garantiza que nuestros técnicos cumplan con los más altos estándares de la industria. ​ Nuestro objetivo es ser el líder en el servicio de remolques. Haremos lo que sea necesario para ganarnos su confianza. Creemos en brindar el más alto nivel de servicio en todas las áreas de nuestra experiencia. Literalmente, hacemos un esfuerzo adicional para brindarle este nivel de servicio. About Us: About

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